A good location to buy a house in maryland: See what your realtor consider when he buys one

The Perfect Place to Call Home: Finding the Best Location in Maryland

The best places to buy a house in Maryland - this question plagues many homebuyers.

"Where should I buy a house?"

Finding the good location to buy a house in Maryland, or even the best location to buy a house in Baltimore, can feel overwhelming.

People have different criteria, but I consider these 4 factors when looking for a place, especially if I'm thinking of renting out extra rooms:

1. University Proximity

Being near a university makes renting much easier. Students, faculty, researchers - the tenant pool is vast! Universities also tend to have lots of amenities nearby - shops, banks, restaurants - making the area desirable.

This is why I prefer to own a house near a university. In addition, normally there are many convenient facilities near universities such as commercial buildings, banks, various food options, etc.

2. Public Transportation

Easy access to public transportation expands your tenant pool and improves your life! Getting around town, visiting other cities, it's all a breeze. Properties near public transportation also tend to appreciate in value, as major transportation infrastructure takes a long time to build.

Having major public transportations can expand the pool of the potential tenants. Also, it drastically improves the quality of my life. Visiting or traveling other cities become easier, and I can easily access to core facilities in the city.

3. Coffee Clutch-worthy Location

Hear me out - a coffee shop within walking distance is a game-changer. Studying, socializing, that quick caffeine fix - it all adds up to a better quality of life. Highly recommend prioritizing this!

If no one told you this before, let me tell you this today. Having a coffee place in walking distance drastically improves your life style. Studying, refreshing yourself, meeting friends or people, grabbing coffee on the way to somewhere, etc. These are things making my life better.

4. Grocery on Foot

Save money and live healthier by having a grocery store nearby! No more 20-minute car trips to load up on groceries after a long day. Walking distance groceries make daily needs a breeze.

I always love this. Less ordered food, more money to save! Also, accessibility to fresh grocery makes me feel alive. Shopping grocery becomes a bit hassle if someone has to drive the car for 20 mins and load foods to trunk and unload it when arriving home, especially when someone just finished their long day. But having grocery stores in walking distance makes you easier to get foods in daily basis or more frequently.

I am a licensed realtor in Maryland. If there is someone who doesn’t know where to buy a house in Maryland, you can contact me. Let’s talk about it.

Are you looking for a realtor near you in Maryland? or do you need a trustable realtor in Baltimore? Simply contact me. I am helping many people just like you.


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