Exposed! 10 Things Landlord Must Pay for You. Know Your Rights!

A lady who is trying to tell a secret.

Many Tenants Think It’s Their Fault, But Actually It’s Not!

I was surprised when one of my friends mentioned he had to pay $500 for having a plumbing service. Was I surprised by the cost? Not at all! I was surprised by the situation that he paid for the plumbing service, because he is living in a monthly rent house.

If there is anyone who is living as a tenants, you don’t need to pay anything about the followings. All the expenses will be covered by your landlord for your health, safety, and life. If they don’t, they will face to a significant consequence.

Landlord’s Duty, Providing Habitable Condition

In real estate, the term "habitable condition" refers to the state of a property where it's safe and sanitary for people to live in. This essentially means the property meets basic standards for health and safety, allowing occupants to live there in reasonable comfort.

The specific requirements for habitability can vary depending on your location, but generally they cover things related your health, safety, and life.

A door between two benches. Big two lamps are hung on the wall.

Basic necessities

Running water

Hot and cold running water throughout the property. Everyone needs water to survive. If your place has issues for accessing to running water, you can legally ask your landlord. Sometimes people ask me if they can request landlord to fix rusty water issue, but unfortunately, as long as you can access any kind of running water, proving whether the water is ‘UNSAFE’ to drink is your burden.

Sanitary facilities

Functioning toilets, sinks, and bathtubs/showers are essential for maintaining a comfortable living space. It's important to remember that your landlord has the responsibility to ensure that these amenities are properly maintained and in good working condition. Therefore, before calling a plumber, ask your landlord first in case you have a problem with toilet or sinks.

Heat/air conditioning

Humans need proper temperature range to stay in healthy. Maintaining adequate heating and/or cooling systems for the climate is one of landlord’s duties. If a fan, air conditioning unit, boiler system or any temperature related system are provided, landlord must take care of it.

Remember, window is one of major part deeply related to climate control in the house. If your one of windows is cracked, broken, or not opening, you can request your landlord to fix it.


Basically there is no situation I can imagine that you should call an electrician with your own expenses when you are paying rent. Maintaining proper electrical wiring and functioning outlets are landlord’s duty. Therefore, don’t hesitate to contact your landlord whenever you find exposed wires, not working outlets, short circuit or any kind of electrical issue.

Structural integrity

No major structural flaws or risks of collapse. Collapsing roof, shaking stairs, sinking floor, unstable walls, not only limited to those but any kind of major structural issues must be handled by landlord.

Pest control

Free from excessive pests such as rodents or insects. If you find roaches roaming around or rats inside house then call your landlord. They will call a pest control service, provide proper traps, or provide pesticides.

An electrician is fixing wires, wearing a yellow safety helmat.

Safety and security

Smoke detectors and fire alarms

Functional fire detection and alarm systems are important for your safety. Ask your landlord when a battery is out, or it seems one of detectors is not properly functioning.

Locks and doors

Secure doors and functioning locks on exterior doors. It means, your door must be able to be locked and opened as you intended. Also, the door should be in the whole shape so no one can enter the house without opening the door.

Properly maintained walkways and stairs

No tripping hazards or unsafe conditions. If hand rail is shaking or a nail is popped up from the floor, call your landlord and ask them to fix it.

A technician is applying glue/silicon on the wall to finish interior work.

Sanitation and cleanliness

Free from mold, mildew, and excessive moisture

No harmful growths or dampness that could affect health. If your toilet doesn’t have a window or a vent, making your toilet always humid then you should contact your landlord and discuss it.

Two people are holding hands after painting the wall.

It's important to note that the specific requirements may differ based on local laws and regulations. If you're unsure about the habitable condition of a property, it's always best to consult with a local real estate professional or legal expert.

Here is an additional resource that you might find helpful.

The National Fair Housing Alliance (NFHA):

I hope this information helps!


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