5 Low-cost Ways to Attract More Guests to Your Airbnb

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Well, if you are hosting a property near a famous travel destination then probably you don’t have that much problem for maintaining high occupancy rate. However, many people who are sharing their own place can struggle when it comes to off-peak season.

Here, we are going to discover 5 cost efficient ways to promote your property even in the off-peak season. Follow me!

1. High-quality photos

Take clear, well-lit pictures that showcase the best features of your space. Use a wide-angle lens to make it appear larger and stage the rooms with inviting decorations.

Yes, it sounds like a cliche, but no one can deny we all are more attracted by better photos than blurry and non-professional photo.

If you are struggling for taking good photos, it’s a good idea to hire a photographer for your property. Professional photographers can find a good photo zone in your property that even you were not aware of. But the problem is, it costs to hire someone. In this case, we can use alternative way that is for free.

Connect to place sharing platform or real estate promoting platform such as Airbnb or Zillow. And then you will see tons of photos that attract your eyes. Pick some places sharing the similar features with yours and try their photo angles and furniture arrangement. Or you can simply grasp some concept about appealing photos and create your own master piece.

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2. Compelling title and description

Copy writing matters in your Airbnb as well. Use keywords relevant to your location and featured amenities in your title. Write a detailed description that highlights the unique aspects of your place and the local area. It does not mean you need to write long and boring journal of your place. Mention any essential amenities offered for free, like Wi-Fi, towels, or basic toiletries.

Once you finished writing about basic amenities and features, describing how close to the nearest convenience stores, grocery stores, or any places people would like to go is a good strategy.

Remember, people are more likely book your property when they are provided with detailed information. Of course you don’t want to over share which potentially can reveal not ideal parts of your property like, the stair steps sound loud but it’s completely safe to step on.

3. Accurate calendar and pricing

Keep your calendar updated and use dynamic pricing if you're comfortable with it. Consider offering weekly or monthly discounts to attract longer stays.

Dynamic pricing gives you a dramatic advantages on building higher occupancy rate. The platform service determines the price of your property on behalf of you considering dynamic supply and demand on the market. It’s more useful when the season is entering to off-peak season or when there is higher demand than you expected. But remember, it doesn’t guarantee how much you will earn, so if you need specific amount of income considering consumables and maintaining cost per guest, you should set the minimum price so the system doesn’t drop down to the loss range.

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4. Positive reviews

Once you get your first guest, try to completely satisfy the guest with all your heart. Having some reviews makes people easier to book your property, especially when the review is positive. Encourage guests to leave positive reviews by providing excellent hospitality and being responsive to their needs. Positive reviews definitely help to attract other guests and if you make them happy, they will leave positive reviews too! To establish this positive loop, make sure to get the first positive review as soon as possible.

5. Free marketing on social media

Create accounts on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest. Share beautiful photos and engaging descriptions of your Airbnb on these platforms. Use relevant hashtags and tag local attractions.

If you are willing to, you can offer a free night's stay or a local experience to generate excitement and attract followers.

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6. Offer unique and valuable amenities

Technically it’s not a free way to promote your property. But if you are going to buy some amenities anyway, consider local items that can make your guest feels special. It doesn’t need to be fancy items. Leave a guidebook or handwritten list of your favorite restaurants, activities, and hidden gems in the area. There are bunch more things you can make your guests feel special.

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Board games, books, or streaming services, share items or services you are already using. If you are subscribing Amazon Prime, Netflix, or Hulu, make an account designated to your guests. Providing entertainment options seem basic, but guests love to enjoy something during their stay.

8. Respond quickly to inquiries

It’s hard to stick to the phone for the whole day but at least you should check your phone hourly basis. Guests appreciate responsive hosts. Aim to answer messages within a few hours. There can be various reason for guest to contact you. When the guest locked himself or herself out, when it’s too hot, when it’s too cold, when the guest wants to check out earlier than their original plan, or when guest wants to know if he or she can stay longer.

Technical issues need to be handled as soon as possible, also just regular questions should be answered in a reasonable time to provide them an excellence experience in your property.

Image from Unsplash

Remember, attracting guests is about more than just price. By focusing on creating a welcoming and memorable experience, you can stand out from the competition and attract budget-conscious travelers without breaking the bank.

I hope these tips help you attract more Airbnb guests!


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