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Maryland House Value is Increasing! Look at this city, the house price went up +69.5% in one year!

Maryland Real Estate Market

Social media often portrays people as hesitant to purchase homes because of high interest rates; however, the truth is that doers already made decision to invest their money in real estate.

It seems the interest rate is too high?

Well, a high interest rate certainly prompts individuals to weigh their options more carefully.

Nevertheless, the desire for a place to call home and build a future with loved ones persists.

Even though elevated interest rates may give some pause, there are still those who are choosing to take the leap into homeownership.

This is because of the awareness that the housing inventory is limited, and once interest rates start to decrease, property prices are likely to surge.

If you have a regular income and you don’t own a house yet, I believe this time is a good moment to consider owning your home.

Looking at the history, house price always went up rapidly when interest rate goes down.